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Help Us!!!

We have three programs that you can help with.

Hearing Aids & More

School Supplies  

and of course 

Financial - $$ - Phone Cards - Amazon

school2002-JJ-Wen.jpg (34724 bytes)

Cousins Welyn and JJ doing school lessons

Mix and match or make up your own. Every donation will be greatly accepted. If you are not what or if you wish to give a gift, please let us know. 

If you are not sure we are who we say we are, please contact our reference list.

Please read on and tell us if you would like to help. Hearing Aids, School Supplies and/or Financial support is greatly needed and would be greatly appreciated.

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Hearing Aids & More "Program"...

school2002-JJ.jpg (37456 bytes)

The hearing aid program can help so many people smile. As with John-John, the feeling seeing him smile is truly wonderful. In 1999-2000 Richard Manual, myself, and a few others were able to gather over 40 pairs of hearing aids for the hearing impaired people of the Philippines. 

In April of 2000, Mr. Manual went to the PI. With the help of an audiologist and the PI doctors made his way to Tabanok to fit the hearing aids. Using donated materials, he cleaned and then tested the individuals hearing loss. After the testing was complete an ear-mold was taken. These would later be brought back to the US for a more exact and longer lasting mold would be made and then the finished mold would be sent . 

The demand of course greatly outnumbered the supply. So we again hope to get any type and style of working hearing aids. Non-working will also be accepted with the hope that future repairs could be made.

For the Filipino people, all styles of hearing aids are acceptable. In the PI, the people only wish to hear again, or even for the first time.

Please consider donating used or even new hearing aids. What else? How about...

bulletHearing Aids (new or used)
bulletBatteries, batteries and , more batteries
bulletEar mold fitting material
bulletAre you an audiologist? How about donating your time in molding the hearing aids?

In the future, we hope to get pictures of the children to help you see that there really is a need. And when you do give, remember, 100% of your gift will be donated to help the children of the Philippines.

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School Supplies "Program"...

Today, J-J goes to school for deaf children. The overall school conditions in the Philippines is not the greatest but they are adequate. But for the deaf children, school is not so. Because there is so much poverty, people with disabilities are mainly forgotten. On the island of Cebu, where John-John goes, there is only one school for the hearing impaired. of the 4 million people who live in Cebu, 25,000 have hearing loss. Of those, only a handful can afford school and even to get in. 

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J-J and his pals (J-J is in blue)

J-J is lucky. Very lucky. Being that his cousin is able to help, and that the school is desperate for financial assistance for us and hopefully you, J-J is able to go to school. He is crazy about going to school and comes home excited as he talks with his hands. He so enjoys school that on the weekends he sometimes gets upset if he is not allowed to go to school. He hasn't figured out that school is closed on the weekend.

J-J is the only one in his class to have a hearing aid. Scholl resources are very minimal if at all available. Any type of resource would be gladly accepted. From text books to crayons. Don't worry about the donated materials being in English. The English language is widely spoken in the Philippines.

Signing used in the PI is exactly the same as is in the USA. 

Ideas for school donations

bulletSign Language Text books (K - ?)
bulletSign Language Quick Cards
bulletRead and Sign books
bulletAny kind of book to help kids learn or just have fun.

Supplies (any style or type)

bulletColoring books
bulletPaper folders
bulletYou name it.... they need it.

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Financial "Program"...

All donations will be shipped once a shipping box is filled. The cost is $125 to ship the box with unlimited weight. 100% of your donations will be given to the children of the Philippines.

1$ -- 5$ -- $$ or more would be great.

Any help here is of course appreciated. But it is understood that this is for some people to risky. So, materials goods are still very welcome.

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Or, you can...

How can YOU help?

The answer is simple

Simply send your USED HEARING AIDS and SUPPLIES 


Philippine Hearing Fund
c/o Lorena vonRuecker
713 Villa Capri Ct.
St. Louis, MO 63132

PHF - Flyer.gif (77324 bytes)
(click above)

Please post our Flyer

From St. Louis, the USED HEARING AIDS will be gathered by Mr. Manuel in Cincinnati and then yearly, ultimately, to the ears and lives of the neediest people in the Philippines. Supplies and such will be shipped once the container is full

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This site is a work in progress.  Some of the links may not give the desired results. Our apologies for the inconvenience. For your comments and suggestions, contact

We would be happy to talk with you. M&L

Plz consider a donation. Your own miracle can be given