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| |

[ John-John ] [ Hearing Loss ] [
Tour Cebu, PI ]
[ Types of Loss ] [ 4
basic types ] [ How they Work ] [ 10 Myths ] [
Glossary ]
 | Audiologist- A university-trained professional with a master's (MS or MA) or
doctorate (PhD or EdD) degree in audiology. The audiologist is
responsible for assessing hearing and for providing rehabilitative
services to increase the ability of people with hearing loss to
function more efficiently in everyday life.
 | Audiometer-
The electronic instrument used by the audiologist for measuring the
threshold of hearing.
 | Audiometry-
Specific procedures by which the threshold of hearing is measured.
 | Auditory
Brainstem Response (ABR) Test- Also
called Brainstem Evoked Response (BSER), Brainstem Auditory Evoked
Response (BAER), and Auditory Evoked Response (AER), this test
objectively measures hearing by placing electrodes on the scalp to
record the electrical activity in the brain when sound occurs. It is
used for newborn babies, infants, and young children who cannot
respond reliably using standard procedures such as visual
reinforcement audiometry, play audiometry, or picture identification.
 | Auditory
Training Equipment-
Supplementary listening systems that increase audibility for the child
with hearing loss. The equipment can be a desktop system or an FM
listening system.
 | Basic
training evaluation- A
combination of tests and procedures used by audiologists to measure
hearing ability.
 | Binaural-
Listening with both ears.
 | Body
Hearing Aid- A hearing aid
in which the microphone, amplifier, and battery are housed in a small
unit worn on the body. An earmold is connected to a receiver that is
connected by a cord to the hearing aid. This type of hearing aid is
capable of providing powerful amplification.
 | Cerumen-
 | Cochlea-
The snail-like bony cavity that contains the delicate hair cells
located in the inner ear. It is about the size of a dried pea.
 | Conductive
hearing loss- A hearing
loss associated with the functioning of the outer or middle ear.
 | Cued
speech- A system of hand
shapes used to supplement the information received from speech reading
 | DEAF-
Webster's New World Dictionary College Edition defines deaf as totally
or partially unable to hear. It generally refers to people who usually
have little or no useful residual hearing and who employ sign language
as their primary mode of communication. Deaf people may also use
speech reading, hearing aids, and other assistive technology to aid
communication. People who are deaf can be categorized into two groups:
congenitally deaf (those who were born deaf) and adventitiously
deaf (those who were born with hearing but whose sense of hearing
became nonfunctional later in life).
 | Decibel
(db)- A decibel is a unit for measuring the volume of a sound,
equal to the logarithm of the ratio of the intensity of the sound to
the intensity of an arbitrarily chosen standard sound.
 | Dispensing
Audiologist- An audiologist
who, in addition to evaluating a person's hearing ability, selects
and fits hearing aids; orders the instruments; sells them to the
patients; and provides follow-up care.
 | Earmold-
A specially molded piece of lucite or vinyl material that is attached
to a hearing aid to conduct sound into the ear.
 | Electronystagmography
(ENG)- A battery of tests that examine eye movements to evaluate the
function of the vestibular (balance) system, the hearing mechanism.
 | ENT
Clinic- An abbreviation for ear, nose, and throat clinic, a place where
hearing loss and problems of the ear are diagnosed and treated.
 | Eustachian
Tubes- The soft tubes connecting the middle ear and the back of the mouth
that serve to equalize air pressure and to drain fluids.
 | Feedback-
A term that describes what occurs when too much amplified sound
escapes from the ear and is picked up by the microphone of the hearing
aid causing a high-pitched whistling sound. The whistling persists
until turning down the gain control reduces the amplification of the
hearing aid.
 | Frequency-
The number of sound
vibrations per second. Expressed in Hertz (Hz), corresponding to the
pitch of sound.
 | Hard
of Hearing- The term used
to describe a degree of hearing loss ranging from mild to profound for
which a person usually receives some benefit from amplification. Most
people who are hard of hearing are oralists (communicate by using
their voice), although a small number learn sign language. Usually
they participate in society by using their residual hearing with
hearing aids, speech reading, and assistive devices to facilitate
 | Hearing
Aid- An instrument that
amplifies sound to assist persons with hearing loss. They are
distinguished by where they are worn: in the ear (ITE), in the canal
(ITC), completely in the canal (CIC), behind the ear (BTE), or on the
 | Hearing
Loss- The difference
between the level of sound that can just be heard by an individual
with impaired hearing and a standard level that has been determined by
averaging measurements from a group of young hearing people. It is
usually expressed in decibels.
 | Inner
ear- That part of the ear,
particularly the cochlea, that converts mechanical vibrations (sound)
into neural messages that are sent to the brain.
 | Lip
reading- The ability to
gain understanding of what is being said by watching the lips as well
as by watching the face, expressions, and gestures. The term speech
reading is now recognized as more descriptive because it includes
watching the facial expressions, gestures, and body language as well
as the lips.
 | Medical
Clearance- A required recommendation stating a physicians approval for the
purchase of hearing aids, implying that there are no medical
contraindications for hearing aid use.
 | Middle
Ear- That part of the ear
that conducts sound to the inner ear, consisting of the eardrum
(tympanic membrane), middle ear bones (ossicle), and the cavity
containing them.
 | Otolaryingologist-
A physician (MD or DO) knowledgeable in diseases of the ear, nose and
throat (ENT).
 | Otologist-
A physician who is trained in otolaryngology (the ear, nose, and
throat) and who has specialized in problems of the ear.
 | Otosclerosis-
A condition in which the bones of the middle ear become immobile
because of bony growth.
 | Otoscopic
Examination- With the use of an otoscope, an instrument with a light and a
magnifying glass, the appearance of the outer ear, ear canal, and
eardrum is checked for any blockage, inflammation, or infection.
 | Ototoxins-
Medications or drugs that can damage hearing.
 | Postauricular-
An expression used to describe hearing aids worn behind the ear.
 | Prelingual
hearing impairment-
Hearing impairment occurring before speech and language has
developed normally in a child.
 | Presbyacusis-
Hearing loss associated with living longer.
 | Pure
tone- A sound occurring at one frequency used in audiometry.
 | Pure
tone average-
An average of hearing thresholds for selected frequencies, usually
500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz used to express the degree of hearing
 | Relay
service- Enables text
telephone (TTY) users to communicate with non-TTY users by way of a
relay service communications operator. The ADA mandated a nationwide
relay service to be completed in 1993.
 | Semicircular
Canals- The organ of balance connected directly to the cochlea in the ear.
 | Sensori-Neural
hearing loss-
A hearing loss that results from some damage to the inner ear of
pathways to the brain, often resulting in distortion of speech sound.
This is not usually alleviated by surgical or medical means.
 | Speech
audiometry- Testing hearing by using speech, usually lists of isolated words
or sentences.
 | Speech
Reception Test (SRT)-
Using two-syllable words called spondees (e.g., airplane,
baseball, rainbow), the audiologist will ask you to repeat each word
heard as the loudness is diminished. Some words are very soft and
guessing is allowed. The purpose of the test is a crosscheck for the
accuracy of the pure tone test results and to check your ability to
recognize and repeat words accurately.
 | Temporary
Threshold Shift (TTS)-
A loss of hearing associated with the effect of loud noise, which
disappears after a period of recovery.
 | Threshold
of Hearing- The faintest sound that can be consistently heard at each of the
tested frequencies in an audiometric evaluation.
 | Tympanic
membrane- Another name for the eardrum.
 | Tympanogram-
The graph that results from tympanometry, describing the acoustic
evaluation of the outer and middle ear's ability to accept and conduct
 | Tympanometry-
The measurement of the outer and middle ear's ability to accept and
conduct sound.
 | Visual
Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA)- A
lighted or animated toy is used to reward a correct response when
testing the hearing of very young children (about two years and
younger). When the toy is used to get the child to turn toward the
source of the sound, it is called Conditioned Orientation Response (COR).
The results of the child's responses can be plotted on an audiogram in
the same manner as when adults raise their hand, use the signal
button, or say yes.
